Interview in English? Is it possible?

Interview in English? Is it possible? Yes, if you prepare well ... starting now!
Listen to an interview from the BBC Learning English At Work series and discover how the candidate answers some surprising questions.

For each episode, first read the introduction, paying attention to the useful language and the question. At the end, you can see a pdf of the episode and the answer to the question.

Part One : The Interview
Tip Top Trading: the fastest-growing company in the plastic fruit sector, and Anna desperately wants to be a part of it. Her job interview for a position in sales is going to be a challenge.
Useful language for interviews
  • A good example that comes to mind …
  • I'm particularly proud of … 
  • Timekeeping is important to me.
1) What was Anna's role in the university debating society?

Part Two : The Interruption
Anna's job interview continues. But with all the pressure and stress, she stops, unable to find the right word in English.
Useful language for structuring answers
  • Firstly, this job is ...
  • Secondly, ...
  • Above all, the reason I  ...
2) What word is Anna trying to remember that means enthusiastic and wanting very much to succeed?

Part Three : The Crisis
Denise explains why she's in a panic and Paul is not happy. Will Anna be able to help resolve the crisis?
Useful language for suggestions
  • Can I make a suggestion?
  • Why don't you try ... ?
  • Have you tried ... ?
  • Maybe I could ... ?
  • How about  ... ?
  • I have an idea!
3) Why was the memory stick wet?